Takodana - Bar Brawl (kq)

Points : 8
Other rewards : Credits, Adornment
Static : No
Minimum level : High
Authors : Bittsi, Dcruze
Last change : Created walkthrough
Last modified : 14/06/2024


The frequent bar brawls on Takodana are famous all throughout the Galaxy. Only the foolhardiest dare to enter the bar brawl, where courage is forged amidst the chaos.

From Takodana bays, go 4e, 4n, enter. You'll be in the bar area, from here go ne, 3n, and see if ME-8D9 is here. You'll have to kill her before you can attack any of the bar patrons, otherwise you will just be thrown out. If she's not there, just walk around the bar area until you find her.

When she's dead, you can attack any of the bar patrons freely, but before you attempt to do that, it's highly recommended that you find the Takodana Bar Brawl Monitor and read the instructions, <bhelp>:

      ______ _______ ______      ______ ______ _______ ________ _____
     |   __ \   _   |   __ \    |   __ \   __ \   _   |  |  |  |     |_
 .===|   __ <       |      <====|   __ <      <       |  |  |  |       |===.
 |:  |______/___|___|___|__|    |______/___|__|___|___|________|_______|  :|
 |                                                                         |
 |  The frequent bar brawls on Takodana are famous all throughout the      |
 |  Galaxy. If you choose to partake you should make sure any security     |
 |  droids are "removed" before you attack any of the patrons.  You        |
 |  should also be picky about starting a fight in a spot that sees a lot  |
 |  of traffic so you don't end up being overwhelmed (ie. dead).           |
 |                                                                         |
 |  There are five different types of bar brawlers, in increasing order    |
 |  of difficulty they are: brawlers, bruisers, ruffians, thugs and        |
 |  enforcers.  If you kill a brawler you will get 1 point, and if you     |
 |  kill an enforcer you will get 5 points. If you're unfortunate enough   |
 |  to get yourself killed by a brawler you will get a 5 point penalty,    |
 |  while getting killed by an enforcer only gives a 1 point penalty.      |
 |                                                                         |
 |  For your final score, all your points are tallied up, and you will     |
 |  get a multiplier between 1,000 and 2,000 points, depending on whether  |
 |  you've completed the challenge of killing all the bar brawlers within  |
 |  the ten hour time-limit or not, and also depending on how close you    |
 |  are to the best completion time of all time.                           |
 |                                                                         |
 |  When you finish the challenge, you will be eligible for a reward       |
 |  you can claim if you <pull> the lever connected to this monitor.       |
 |                                                                         |
 |  If things aren't going your way, you can also opt to <give-up> to      |
 |  make the timer start anew the next time you attack one of the bar      |
 |  brawlers.                                                              |
 |:                                                                       :|

The most important part to note from the instructions is the warning about not starting a fight in an area that sees a lot of traffic. Throughout the bar area you will see rooms that have blood stains in them. You should avoid starting any fights in any of these rooms, since you will be quickly overwhelmed.

Instead you should sit down at the various tables and booths and start fights there. When you do, any other bar patrons in the immediate vicinity will be attracted by the fight and will arrive to attack you.

If you make a mistake and find yourself overwhelmed, you can wait for 15 minutes and the bar patrons will get bored and go about their business.

There are five different types of bar brawlers, in decreasing order of difficulty they are: enforcers, thugs, ruffians, bruisers and brawlers. The following table shows their stats:

Tier Level HP WC AC Group Members
Enforcers 19 945‑990 46‑51 28‑31 Bazine, Cookie, Grummgar, Ithano
Thugs 19 840‑880 41‑45 25‑28 Haza, Kleezum, Loret, Phurus, Pru, Varmik, Weno
Ruffians 19 735‑770 36‑39 22‑24 Bagnoro, Cratinus, Dillifay, Fisker, Prashee, Quiggold, Sticks, Teest, Wollivan, Zedbeddy
Bruisers 19 630‑660 31‑34 19‑21 Allium, Drix, Praster, Ralorsa, Stooratt, Trinto, Tuyll, Tyran
Brawlers 18 570 30 19 Izby, Laparo, Munduri, Sonsigo, Thromba

You can look at the following intel to get a sense of where you should start:

 0: N/A                    [O] [ ]            0 : Bar Area
 A: Ithano                  | /               A : At a Table (out)
    Quiggold       [M]     [N]                B : Bar Area
 B: Allium            \   / | \               C : In a Booth (out)
 C: Loret          [L]-[K] [P] [Q]            D : Seated on a Sofa (out)
 D: Grummgar            |       |             E : Bar Area
    Bazine         [J]  |       |  [S]        F : At a Table (out)
 E: Weno              \ |       | /           G : In a Booth (out)
 F: Trinto         [I]-[H]     [R]-[T]        H : Bar Area
 G: Sonsigo             |       |             I : At a Table (out)
    Munduri        [G]  |       |  [V]        J : Near the Stage (out)
 H: N/A               \ |       | /           K : Bar Area
 I: Stooratt*      [F]-[E]     [U]-[W]        L : Deia's Dream (out)
 J: Zedbeddy            |       |             M : Stairwell
    Ralorsa        [C]-[B] [A] [X]-[Y]        N : At the Bar
    Dillifay          /   \ | /   \           O : Behind the Bar (out)
    Sticks         [D]     [0]     [Z]        P : At a Table (out)
 K: Teest                                     Q : Bar Area
    Phurus*                                   R : Bar Area
 L: N/A                                       S : At a Games Table (out)
 M: N/A                                       T : At a Table (out)
 N: (GA-97)                                   U : Bar Area
 O: Cookie                                    V : In a Booth (out)
 P: Bagnoro                                   W : At a Table (out)
    Izby                                      X : Bar Area
 Q: (ME-8D9*)                                 Y : At a Table (out)
 R: Pru*                                      Z : Firepit (out)
 S: Haza  
    Wollivan       .=======================================================.
 T: Tuyll          | Number of NPCs that will be drawn if initial brawl:   |
 U: Varmik*        | 0: 13 (§) !!         I: 7 (§)            R: 9 (§) !   |
 V: Laparo         | A: 4                 J: 6                S: 3         |
    Thromba        | B: 11 !!             K: 9 !              T: 3         |
 W: Fisker         | C: 5                 L: 2 (§)            U: 13 (§) !! |
    Kleezum        | D: 5                 M: N/A              V: 5         |
 X: Praster        | E: 13 !!             N: 5 (§)            W: 5         |
 Y: Cratinus       | F: 5                 O: 4                X: 12 !!     |
    Prashee        | G: 5                 P: 4                Y: 5         |
 Z: Tyran          | H: 11 (§) !!         Q: 8 (§) !          Z: 5         |
    Drix           | !/!! severity (marked with blood stains)              |
                   | (§)  only possible if attacking wandering NPC         |
 * wandering NPC   |      non (§) estimates do not account for wander NPCs |
() not a bar       '======================================================='

There's not much to it, just chip away at them until they are all dead. You can check your <progress> at the monitor at any time. You have 10 hours to kill them all, which should be plenty of time.

In reality it should only take you around 60-90 minutes, but you have extra time in case you need to wait for resets.

There are various dirty tricks that the brawlers will randomly play on you, in order of frequency (from most common to least common) they are:

  • Preventing you from getting or putting items into a bag
  • Various metabolism specials: making you full, drunk or drugged
  • Tripping you when you attempt to exit a room, making you stay behind
  • Draining your Force points
  • Forcing you to drop your weapon
  • Removing your armour pieces
  • Stunning you for a couple of rounds


  • From looking at the intel above, one strategy would be to start at (A) and work your way counter-clockwise until you end up at (D). (D) forces you to fight two enforcers at once (Bazine and Grummgar), so it's the room with the most pressure. If that's not enough, Bazine also has a dagger special that can poison you!
  • Locations (S) and (T) are also good starting points, since few bar brawlers will be drawn there, keeping the pressure low.
  • There are drinks at the bar and a sober machine next to the monitor.
  • Make sure you don't kill the serving droid, GA-97, since you won't be able to buy drinks if he's dead.
  • The enforcers leave behind special items that can help you take out the other high-tier bar brawlers more quickly: The PLX-1 portable missile launchers and stimpacks.
  • To reduce the pressure fast in the various fights, try to kill the weakest NPCs first. Look at the table to figure out who they are.

When you have killed all of the bar brawlers, you will get the following message:

You are eligible for a reward!  Visit the Takodana Bar Brawl Monitor to
claim your prize.

You will get the adornment and mini at this point, but don't forget to claim your prize from the monitor. Go to it and <pull lever> and it will spit out some credits. How much you get depends on how close you were to the best time of all-time, it varies between 40-80k.


NOTE: The bar brawl is intended to be repeated as many times as you want. It can be incredibly rewarding both monetarily as well as for experience. But since there are so many high-level NPCs in such a small place, they will take about twice as long to reset compared to what's normal.

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