Takodana - Kill Kylo Ren (hx)

Points : 8
Other rewards : Adornment
Static : No
Minimum level : High
Authors : Sundarin, Dcruze
Last change : Created walkthrough
Last modified : 04/07/2024


Hidden in the midst of the wilds you will find Kylo Ren. To reach him, you will have to solve an ancient puzzle as well as a maze where you will fight Kylo Ren's minions...


NOTE: Before you start, you need to get a crowbar. There's one in the campsite on Takodana, but if you have a different source, you can use that instead.

To get the crowbar from the campsite (from Takodana bays), go 2s, 3se, e, s, se, 3sw, 9w, s, 2sw, w, sw, w, 3sw, w, <squeeze>, sw.

Then go s, w, <exa crate>, get crowbar.

Next return to Takodana bays by going e, n, ne, out, e, 3ne, e, ne, e, 2ne, n, 9e, 3ne, nw, n, w, 3nw, 2n.


You will need to get the book entitled "A Primer on the Aurebesh Language" from the shop on Takodana for a few hundred credits. From Takodana bays, go 4e, 3n, w, tent, buy book.

NOTE: You can also find this book for free by searching around the tables in the bar, or from one of the bathrooms in the guest area of Maz's castle.

Then head to the dungeon, go out, n, e, enter, nw, 3n, nw, d.

Next make your way to the tombs in the dungeon, go se, sw, se, sw, nw, sw, nw, sw, 3s, w. You'll find yourself in the first tomb.

The objective in the tombs is two-fold, first you need to discover a faded keycard that you'll use to unlock a door somewhere else in the dungeon, and secondly you need to hear six two-letter phonemes that when combined will form a 12-letter word.

The keycard you need is placed randomly in one of the six tombs:

Location Path to Next Tomb How to Find Keycard
First Tomb e, s, e open lid, move skeleton, get keycard
Second Tomb w, s, w open lid, exa corpse, exa hand, break carbonite, get keycard
Third Tomb e, s, e open lid, search yellow moss, exa crack, probe tiny crack, get keycard
Fourth Tomb w, s, w search sarcophagus (tomb raider appears), kill raider
Fifth Tomb e, s, e open lid, search corpse, exa mouth, remove object, get keycard
Sixth Tomb - open lid, exa pieces, break large piece, break medium piece, break small piece, get keycard

While you visit each of the tombs, you should wait until you hear a two-letter phoneme:

From your left ear you can hear the word 'nq'.
The single phoneme 'oc' is softly murmured into your right ear.
The word 'ui' is whispered into your left ear.
You could swear you heard 'da' coming from your right.
The single phoneme 'st' is whispered into your left ear.
You could swear you heard 'or' coming from your left.

You should note which side you hear it from, if it's from the left then it should be read normally from left-to-right, but if it's from the right, then you should read it backwards.

nq, oc -> co, ui, da -> ad, st, or
nq, co, ui, ad, st, or

Use these six fragments to create a 12-letter word, in this example, the word is "conquistador", but the word will be different every reboot.

Now that you have the keycard and the word, you should make your way to the next location. From the sixth tomb, go w, 8n, ne, se, <exa door>, <insert keycard in slot>, n.


You'll find yourself at the front of a large chamber. There's a grid of stone slabs arranged in a grid pattern in the middle of the room. What you need to do is spell out the word you discovered earlier. But the slabs have Aurebesh lettering, so you have to use your book to translate, <read primer>:

When you look at the puzzle, you'll see that each slab has a letter associated with it, note that this letter just marks its position on the row and isn't a translation:

Now jump from slab to slab spelling out the word in Aurebesh until you reach the north edge of the chamber, then go north to reach the back of a large chamber. You've now solved the puzzle and you can simply go north/south to bypass the puzzle for the remainder of the uptime.

You shouldn't wait too long on each slab, since you will slide off and fall into a pit where you will be impaled by a spike (soft death). The same will happen if you make a mistake and step on a wrong slab. Fortunately the reanimatic isn't too far away.

At this location, there is a lever you can pull that opens up a staircase to the wilderness. But since you can just skip the puzzle, it's easier to just do that when you need to go back to heal.


At the back of the large chamber, there is an opening you can enter, <opening>. Then go <forward> four times, then <out>. You can also simply go north, then 4w, and north.

Now go up to enter the wilds. This area is a maze with eight rooms where you will encounter three NPCs along the way. You can drop items, like credits, as breadcrumbs to tell the rooms apart, but it's recommended that you also write the exits down on paper.

In the second room, you'll meet a Stormtrooper Captain, kill him before you proceed.

In the fifth room, you'll meet Trudgen, a Knight of Ren, kill him before you proceed. Trudgen has one of the Kinetic Armour Set pieces.

Fighting Kylo Ren

When you reach the eighth and final room, you'll meet Kylo Ren. He's not too hard on his own, but he has some nasty specials that makes him challenging. Look at the kills guide for hints on how to fight him.

If you didn't kill his minions beforehand, at one point in the fight, he will summon them to fight alongside him, and then you won't be able to damage Kylo Ren before they are dead. So it's recommended to kill them before you reach Kylo Ren.

At another point in the fight he will create a whirlwind that moves all loose items in the wilds, removing any breadcrumbs you may have left behind, which is why you should also keep track of the exits on a piece of paper.

When Kylo Ren dies, you will get the mini as well as an adornment.


Go back to: Takodana