Takodana - Mother's Meat (fc)

Points : 3
Other rewards : 2,000 credits, Grepytal meat
Static : yes
Minimum level : 14+ (some killing)
Authors : Sparky, Hindmost, Dcruze
Last change : Created walkthrough
Last modified : 07/06/2024


Strono "Cookie" Tuggs is the cook at Maz Kanata's Castle and can be found working behind the bar inside the castle. Despite his homely appearance and deformities, he is an expert chef. In his chats, he talks about the tender, succulent meat of the Clansmother Grepytal - a monster squid found near Nymeve Lake. Tuggs is looking for someone to return with the meat of the Clansmother.

From Takodana bays, go 4e, 4n, enter, nw, 3n, ne, go behind the bar, then you'll hear what Cookie has to say about the Clansmother Grepytal...

Cookie says: The tastiest of meats on Takodana has to be the grepytal.
Cookie asks: Could you find some Clansmother Grepytal meat for me?
Cookie says: Killing a Clansmother Grepytal is tricky, fileting the meat is
 even trickier!
Cookie says: Kill a Clansmother Grepytal and bring me the meat. I'll show
 you just how tender the meat is.
Cookie whispers: It is rumoured that the Clansmother Grepytal can be found
 near the lake.
Cookie whispers: The Clansmother Grepytal thrives in water. They say she can
 breathe underwater for hours.
Cookie whispers: To filet a Clansmother Grepytal, you will need the proper
 knife, a filet knife!

Next <search cabinets>, you'll find a sharp filet knife, get knife.

Return to the landing bays, go out, sw, 3s, se, out, 4s, 4w. Then go 2s, 2se, 2e.

You'll find yourself knee-deep in a bog. Now be ready for a fight and <search water>. The Clansmother will latch on to your arm and attack you! Kill her and then wield the filet knife. Then <cut meat> and take the meat.

Now return to Cookiee, go 2w, 2nw, 2n, 4e, 4n, enter, nw, 3n, ne, go behind the bar, and <give meat to cookie> to finish the mini.

Cookie gives you 2,000 credits.
Cookie says: Hold on while I cook this thing!
Cookie sharpens his cleaver.
Cookie says: Eat it... and don't ask where it came from.
Cookie gives you some cooked Grepytal meat.	

You'll receive 2,000 credits as a reward, and Cookie will cook up some Grepytal meat for you.


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