Pathros - Underground on Pathros (ca)

Points : 25
Other rewards :
Static : no (random item placement)
Minimum level :
Authors : Lsd, Pval, Darylmusash
Last change : Added more specifics. Need exact directions.
Last modified : 20112002


Dear Atlan:

It has been long since I last wrote to you. My business has kept
me busy. You asked how I have been, and I have to say things have
been tumultuous. It all started when the Empire disrupted the economy
here and then disingenuously moved in. Things haven't been the same,
since. It gave me an opportunity to expand my business over the
entire planet, or what's now left of it.

However, the Imperial commander has been giving me a hard time
lately, impounding incoming shipments of merchandise and putting
bounties on some of my best smugglers. At times the bribes I'm
paying her aren't even worth it.

I know that trying to fight the Empire would be foolish, and I won't
do that. But I have heard an interesting rumor: the Rebel Alliance
is known to have a small base here and spies have reported that their
computer core holds data for their secret plans in this region. If I
could just lay my hands on that data and pass it on to the commander,
I am certain she would mellow towards me considerably. If I'm lucky,
she'll even be promoted off-planet and be replaced by someone more

My friend, if you could send me someone to retrieve the plans for me,
I would be greatly in your debt. Tell your envoy to make a pact with
me, and we'll work out the details. Let me know soon.




Go to the alley west of the punks. There's a loose brick there. Move the brick and press the button. Now you're inside Kain's building. Go west and search crates. Take the card that you find. Sometimes the card is carried by the drugged child east of the gang members. Now go up to Kain's office and nod to him. He'll give you a card to enter the imperial base. Go out by pushing the button at the spot you entered. One of the punks there has a black die. Take that from him. Clean the die and you'll have a holocube. You'll need this later. Sometimes, the gang members carry a black cube that is *not* a holocube, but just a die. Wait for the next reset and try again.

Now go to the imperial base. Kill the guard with the two sandtrooper pieces and wear those. Enter the base and at the guard, go west. The sergeant will give you a key to the cell on the east. Go there and torture the prisoner. He'll give you a password. Now go back to the sergeant. He'll give you a desert survival set. Wear it and go into the desert.

There is a Rebel base in the North-East corner of the desert. Just go there and go north. The exit isn't visible, although it is in the long descriptions. Directly west after you went north in the desert is a pile of rocks hiding a shaft leading down into a small cave, go down twice there and enter the password, a hologram will appear and give you an id card. Keep the card, you will need it later on.

Now go to the desert and get into the Creeper. To do this, dig the sand at the location you feel movement in the sand. Go to the captain and put the card in the slot there. Enter the hatch and insert the holocube in the computer there. Now press export. Take this data to Kain and receive a personalised saber.

A different ending to this mission would be taking the holocube to Anton. You are then also rewarded Mini - Pathros - Free Pathros (gm).

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